Thursday, March 31, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

Avery Meets Grandma and Aunt Annie, Ashley and Mellie

Avery had a big day today meeting more family than were excited to meet her for the first time.  Between taking naps while inhaling her milk she was able to "hang with the fam."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Avery meets Aunt Minsun

Avery went to the pediatrician today who said that she looked great and that the jaundice is almost gone.  No more needle sticks in the heel for little Avery.  She also met her Aunt Minsun today for the first time but was so sleepy from eating so much all day that she had a hard time staying awake.  The pediatrician weighed her today and Avery has gained 10 ounces in 2 days!!  She is a little piggy eater.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Here's looking at you kid!"

"I am so sleepy after i eat"

Avery taking a nap today
Sleeping on her way home from the doctor today

This is us leaving Tisch hospital in a frenzy after getting the discharge clearance this past Saturday night.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

4 Days old!!

Avery did a gob job of pooping and peeing and staying "under the lights" and was able to come home last night. She likes to eat and sleep alot.  She definitely likes being at home in "The Crystal House."

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 4

Avery spent the night in the hospital getting some phototherapy.  We are hoping to bring her home tonight. She is doing a good job of eating, peeing, and pooping.  She likes to eat and Daddy thinks she is getting chubbier.

These kind of poops will get that bili down

What are you looking at?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Avery is Hungry

Day 3--Woke up a little yellow

Avery had a much better night. She is feeding better and getting cuter by the day.  She did wake up with some physiologic jaundice and is spending time "under the lights."